WebSummit Startups you Can’t forget

Some of you couldn’t visit all the Startups booths during the Websummit. Right? Well, here you have a chance to meet some of the unforgettable projects that I’ve visited.

Story Shaker by Newsroom.co

Story Shaker is a platform that allows you to aggregate content generated by different teams or sectors in different medias. The big deal here is that you will be able to give the same platform to different teams, gather on one unique place all the content and share them individually one each team page and/or aggregated on one corporate page. This allows you to manage in one place all the content generated by all your teams, keeping the quality, the timing and amount of content shared.


Imagine you’ll be opening a bar and you need a simple and fast way to share the opening event with all your friends and contacts on a well designed but non-complexed website. Heysite came to give you that. Simple but with sharing and analytics power. This project pretends to be the centre of events’ online promotion. Heysite.io is the simple way to promote online your grand opening!

The Roof Rentals

Sometimes renting a house can be a problem for tenants. Also to the landlords. The prices and the conditions to rent are so high and complex that probably you just prefer to buy a house instead of renting one. The Roof is a simple solution with benefits for the landlord and the tenant. At the online platform, it’s possible to search for a house. Rent safely. And get a 24h service to keep the house save and working no matter what. The landlord will get the instalment on time (there is an insurance to protect instalments) and the tenant will get everything fixed with the 24h service. If you’re a Real Estate Agent there is a service for you too. You’ll be able to manage all your houses and your fee is secured using The Roof. The Roof is the solution for all those crazy requirements made by the landlords these days.


If you’re a traveller you probably know this solution. Smiity is an innovative and interactive guide that works with your smartphone to keep you informed about what you are seeing during your journing. Via bluetooth, this solution is already adopted by museums, touristic circuits, and more. The APP displays contextual and specific information when in the proximity of a Beacon. Beacon the bluetooth emissor. With SMIITY you will see all events nearby and know everything about one event, all the info, galery of photos, videos and how to get there!

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