Panda Conf Stage Websummit 2017

Marketing for 2018 by Websummit 2017

Directly from the Panda Conf stage, at Websummit. This is my review about some top mind tips about the Marketing sector for 2018. Gathered from all the speakers, that have stepped on the stage.

The most important European conference for innovation and networking, WebSummit, has started. Thousands of incredible minds have landed in Lisbon for a week full of knowledge and networking.

Feira do Bebé

This year my coverage is focused on the Panda Conf stage. All about marketing.

I’ve heard some top speakers. Kenny Jacobs (Ryanair), the couple and influencers Murad and Nataly Osmann, Geraldine Calpin (Hilton) and the Portuguese Claudia Goya (Portugal Telecom) are some of them. I’ve returned home with some insights about what to work in 2018 for those who are in the marketing area.


In 2018, the companies will work on content as a way to spread the brand awareness. But, coupled with a word to mouth add-on. More original, creative and engaging content, returns more emotional experiences related to the brand. Also, will build the path for a commercial relationship with strong bases. But the contents aren’t the conventional ones. Brands will search for influencers in all the sectors to create the most innovative and original content. Young or Old. With professional quality or amateur quality. The goal is to drive content producer to get the internet world talk about the brand in the most engaging way. Consumers will search for more information on the purchase experience. At the time they pay something, they are completely aware of how does it work, what is supposed to do, and what the people say about it.

Comments and Reviews

As a path to reach the content creation goal, comments and reviews are on the top of the most important way to fill the internet with brand information. On the purchase process, more experiences you read about, more engaging you tend to be with the brand. More aware you get about that brand and all the technologies used. Also the design aspects and the history of the company. More connected with the brand you became. And don’t be afraid not to get 100% positive comments. There will always be space to improve your work and consumers know that there is no perfection. Accept all the comments as a way to increase the quality of the info about your products and your company.

Apps and Live Experiences

From 2018, and the following years, the most important tip you need to take to your brand is “live experiences”. This means that everything will be focused on giving experiences live as the consumer engage with your brand. On a back of a cab while experiencing a travel service. On a hotel while experiencing the facilities, in a store while trying some clothes. It’s all about the experiences that we can give to our consumers at the moment they are engaging with our brand in any way.

As a way to drive those moments from the first contact with the brand to a positive experience report to the internet, some companies are producing apps, microsite, multiple campaigns, etc. They’re also using them and internet for live connections with the consumer for a disruptive way to speak with them as they are using the service or buying the product.

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